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The Job Search Solution
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“I’ve been finding people jobs since 1973, and have helped thousands of candidates find great career opportunities. Let me help you too!”... Tony Beshara

"I've been finding people jobs since 1973, and have helped thousands of candidates find great career opportunities. Let me help you too!"... Tony Beshara


i have been doing this since 1973…i have seen and experienced just about every aspect of an individuals job search as can be imagined…

one of the spiritual practices that makes searching for a job easier is to practice gratitude…

so, you say..”look, tony…i got fired…lost my job…haven’t had an interview in four weeks…just got rejected…and you want me to be GRATEFUL..are you nuts…what do i have to be grateful for?”

well, just the chance to wake up every morning and start looking for a job…for one thing…

just this week two of my candidates were diagnosed with different types of cancer..and another just got home from a colon cancer operation..finding a job isn’t quite as important as it might seem

begin each day being grateful…simply thank God you are alive and are capable of dealing with the challenges in front of you…

this habit won’t keep unfortunate things from happening to you…it won’t really help you get an interview or keep you from being turned down for the job you thought you were going to get…but it will help you put those issues in perspective…

be grateful…even if it isn’t easy

By |2009-02-12T22:21:35-05:00February 12, 2009|communication|

…as long as we are talking ‘spiritual’

as long as we are on this subject let me share with you a practical way of “giving”…and the wonderful return

it has to do with being as kind, patient, understanding and even forgiving to and with people you encounter in your job search that could irritate you and down right make you mad, angry and frustrated..

these are the people, hiring authorities, interviewing authorities…anyone you encounter in the job search, that are rude, or tell you what they think at the moment that turns out to not be the truth…(lie!) .

you know that you are vulnerable..looking for a job is very emotional and difficult…you are senstive to what people tell you and how they treat you…and often, it just isn’t nice..

welllllll…forgive them…get over it…they are spiritual beings acting human….they are so wrapped up in themselves,  they don’t know they are running you over…

since you are sensative, you take it personally…it isn’t personal…soooooo, forgive them, pray for even kinder to them…let them know you appreciate their sitaution if you get the chance..

the big payoff…it will make you feel better

By |2009-02-09T22:41:08-05:00February 9, 2009|communication|

…so what do you pray for

so you read the last topic and you say, “so what do i pray for?”….good question

since 1973, i have had candidates that let me know that they prayed …i didn’t take a pole…and i don’t ask everyone about it…but it comes up from time to time…

here is what i learned…the people that seem to get the most out of “praying”..don’t pray for a better job..they pray that they get God’s help in doing a thorough job search…that they get God’s help in interviewing well…and after that, they pray that “thy will be done”..

this kind of prayer really seems to work…praying for the ablility do deal with what ever happens…not praying for a particular outcome, but the strength and courage to accept and deal with what ever happens…

By |2009-01-30T21:36:47-05:00January 30, 2009|communication|

….extra help by praying

i have been hearing from people all over the country about how difficult it is to deal with the economy, being laid off and having to find a new job…

it doesn’t do any good to say that this recession isn’t as bad as past ones or that it will be over soon…when we are faced with immediate challenges, the past or the future don’t help pay tuition or the mortgage or buy groceries..

one stategy that does really help is to pray…now don’t go off on me about this…i know it works…it may not change the way things are, but it does change the way you feel about how things are…

i have hundreds of stories from people telling me how their prayer life got them through the toughest times in their job search…

it works…you do have to believe…but it works..

By |2009-01-27T22:42:11-05:00January 27, 2009|communication|

…snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

candidate is in the finals..down to him and one other.. he is going to interview with the CEO and the president…it is a small, $100 million firm..

so, thinking he can wow them, he comes up with an elaborate “future” plan about how he has contacts to help them expand and double their size by adding lines of products he can bring them…instead of interviewing, he comes across as though he wants to create partnerships for them….bad move..

they agree to pass on him…they were simply looking for a sales person, not a new business….he oversold and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory..

lesson: sell yourself to get the job you are interviewing for..don’t try to make it more complicated than it is

By |2008-10-21T21:51:51-05:00October 21, 2008|communication, employers, interviewing|

…informational interviews

so much has been written and spoken about these over the years…save your breath, time and trouble..

no employer in today’s market…who is worth talking to, has time to give you an “informational” interview…now if it is your uncle, or your dad’s best friend…maybe…

but don’t call someone and ask for an informational are either looking for a job or not…and if you to people that might have one…ask for a job…not information…how wimpy!

By |2008-09-23T21:49:48-05:00September 23, 2008|communication, interviewing, job search strategies|

…keep ’em short and to the point

get this right!…long emails to potential employers don’t get read…

just like cover letters and even resumes..keep ’em short and to the point…emails should be four or five more..

hiring authorities get hundreds of emails a day…they even miss some…but anything longer than four or five lines will get shorted…use bullet points and “hit ’em quick and hard”

you are going to read it four or five times before you send it…your hiring authority is going to scan it once…maybe read the first two sentences or so…

By |2008-09-22T21:26:10-05:00September 22, 2008|communication, resumes|

….my clinical depression

wonderful candidate…great job opportunity…makes it through four interviews and near the final one he talks about overcoming clinical depression…all of a sudden the conversation got real strained and silent…now they are thinking about it..

the employer believes the job is really stressful and some of the folks there are wondering if the candidate can take the pressure…

the sad thing is there was no good reason for him to talk about his depression…simply no good reason…he thought it would make him appear as someone who had overcome personal challenges…

Lesson:..anything, …i mean anything that may be a personal liability, that isn’t essential to the job..DON’ BRING IT UP…

don’t know yet what the company will decide, but candidate didn’t need to bring this up

By |2008-09-14T21:08:12-05:00September 14, 2008|communication, interviewing|

…excuses for your screw ups

if you have made a couple of screw ups in your career..(and who hasn’t) don’t try to make stupid excuses about why they happened…

just today, i interviewed a candidate who blamed everyone but himself for all of the mistakes he had was always someone else’s fault that he or his situations failed…and this is over a 15 year history…give me a break!

hey, none of us haven’t made mistakes…accept the responsibility…don’t moan or groan about it…tell a perspective employer how much you learned from it..but admit to having made an error in judgment…make lemonade out of the lemons…

By |2008-09-09T22:07:07-05:00September 9, 2008|communication, interviewing|


we know that sara palin kicked butt…but don’t you dare discuss it in an interview…

if there is even an hint of being drawn into a political conversation…don’t do it…YOU need a job…not get elected..

simply nod your head and say, “It’s all very interesting.” then s-h-u-t u-p!…bring the conversation back to the interview…what you can do for the company

By |2008-09-04T21:11:36-05:00September 4, 2008|communication, employers, interviewing|
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