Recruiters and job placement people… some professional and some not so professional…talk and write about the “instant look” which refers to the kind of candidate that has an immediately attractive, personal appearance… a handsome guy, good height weight ratio, well-dressed… the female with an attractive face and figure, well-dressed and an expensive business suit… most of us know exactly what I’m talking about…

Studies show that these people and their immediate “instant look” impact have an advantage, at least an initial advantage , in the interviewing situation… I know it’s unfair and I know it may not be right, but that is the way it is…

But what if you’re like the vast majority of us that don’t have that “instant look” …we are boomers, slightly if not mostly overweight that even the most stylish clothes can’t hide, thinning hair… if we have it all… wrinkles that even make us look even older… How do we overcome the fact that we don’t have that “instant look?”

First thing to do is to recognize that you can’t be what you’re not… don’t try to dress or look 35  when you are 55 years old…try to lose weight if you need to…get on an exercise plan…dress the  best you can, realizing that overweight people have a decided disadvantage in the interviewing process… wear cloths that fit you, not that barely fit or accentuate your weight gain… dress professionally and understated… dark , solid color suit, white shirt or blouse…loud suits… even “colorful” business suits… are not good at interviewing situation…short hair for the men and hair pulled back for women…conservative all over the place… very understated jewelry for women… practically no jewelry for men…keep everything very simple…I’ve written in this blog specific instructions about dress, but suffice it to say you can look professional even if you don’t have that “instant look”

The most important thing you can do to overcome the lack of the “instant look” is to be able to interview very, very, very well … that means really knowing what your features, advantages and benefits are, knowing exactly why you are an outstanding employee and be able to communicate extremely well… even a great image… that “instant look”… may give a candidate an initial advantage but it dissipates real quickly if the candidate doesn’t sell themselves in a perfect manner…

I’m continually amazed at how poorly candidates… even accomplished sales candidates… interview… interviewing well takes lots and lots of practice… you can’t wait for a job interview and think you’re going to perform well without practicing interviewing… what you say and how you sell yourself in an interview can overcome any image issue…