• On average, 1000 in 1500 individuals view a job posting.
• Between 200 and 275 of these people will begin the application process or send a resume.
• Between 150 and 180 people will complete an application…
• 90 to 110 of those resumes or applications will be scanned by an ATS or some type of human screener …who may or may not know what they are looking for.
• 20 to 25 resumes will be sent to a hiring authority.
• 4 to 6 candidates will be invited to interview.
• 1 to 2 of them will be invited back for subsequent and final interviews.
• 25% of the time the “search” will start all over because the hiring authority doesn’t feel he or she has seen enough quality candidates…or doesn’t like what he or she has seen and the process starts all over again.
• Of the remaining 75% of the time, one of the finalists will be offered the job and 80% of those finalists will accept. 40% of the time, the first candidate offered the job turns it down, then the second candidate is offered the position. If that candidate does not accept the job…which happens about 20% of the time…the search starts all over again.

So, based on this reality, what are a candidate’s odds of getting hired by submitting a resume to an online job posting? Very, very, very slim…about 1 in 375 to 400.